This week, we held the first brainstorm with a variety of levy payers and other organisations in the city called the Big Bath Welcome Back and we are now asking for further ideas. We want to identify a number of activities that will attract people back into the city.
We would like your ideas too. It doesn’t matter which sector you work in and your suggestions don’t have represent to your company – they will all be anonymised. Would you put on your thinking hats, turn on your creative mojo and answer the question: What does a Big Bath Welcome Back look like?
We don’t mind if you have 2 ideas or 222, we would just welcome them. Please email them to us here.
Here are some prompts that might help: specific ideas for locals, for ‘regional shoppers’, for domestic overnight visitors, for overseas tourists, for students, to thank NHS or Key Workers, ideas for activities that can be delivered at short notice, that could be turned on and off easily, expensive ideas, inexpensive ideas, things that you have seen in other cities and tourist destinations that you think might work in Bath, things that are very Bath (rather than Berlin, Brighton or Bridgend), activities for alternative timings – one-offs, daily, weekly or monthly, things that show off our engineering credentials, things that show off our creative and tech industries, activities that bring alive our history (Romans, Georgians and even Bladud), our literary credentials, our architecture, our sporting credentials, our green landscape, things that you are hoping for when you return to the city, some more permanent changes you’d like to see, ideas for retailers to implement, for the office sector to implement, for the hospitality sector to implement, for garden lovers to implement, that volunteers might love, etc, etc, etc