Thank you to those that have shown interest in the Big Bath Welcome Back initiative. As discussed in a recent video conference, we need assistance to select projects that we can realistically move forward for the short and the long-term.
The presentation is here – it includes all the ideas that have been generated during the previous two weeks of brainstorms. There are such a wide variety of ideas, many providing an opportunity to reinvent Bath and move away from what we have always done and the creativity of ideas shows that there is no shortage of inspiration and talent to achieve that.
Using this Survey Monkey link, you can let us know which of these ideas you think have the most merit for the:
- Immediate – with an online/global reach
- Short term – affordable and with a local community/economy benefit
- Medium term – need some planning, appeal to regional audience
- Long term – need a host organisation, appeal to international audience
In addition, you are asked how you would like to be involved in this initiative going forward.
Please note that we will be taking the whole list of events to local organisations and the council events team to look for synergies and opportunities first. If anyone has any comments about any particular events which they think could be linked to something existing or something which they are already planning please provide that information.
Thank you for your time and assistance with this.